Daily Devotional

God The Father Bible Study By: Word Of Life

This weeks daily devotional :
Saturday  : Romans 16:17-27 Paul closes the last section of his letter with a warning to Mark (v.17) or watch out for those who cause divisions within the church.This happens when people teach things that are contrary to true doctrine.Paul says to stay away from these people.Relationships with disobedient people can be devastating to the church and the testimony of Jesus Christ.Paul ends his letter the way he began it - with an emphasis on the grace of God and the person of Jesus Christ. We would do well to make sure there is always a constant emphasis on the grace of God and Jesus Christ in our lives! Are you spending time with those who are living contrary to the truth of the word of God? Why? What does the grace of God mean to you? How does your life reflect the presence of Jesus Christ?

Sunday : Ezekiel 1:1-14
Ezekiel must have thought it was just another ordinary day. He had no idea that God would take him from being a priest and turn him into a prophet. Ezekiel was 30 years old (the age when men in Israel would take on their role of priestly service) when God first spoke to him in a heavenly vision. God  had something more than just priesthood in mind for Ezekiel. A stormy cloud came and Ezekiel saw four living creatures. These beings were cherubim, a kind of angel. Each had two faces: one human and one of an animal. This vision had to do with Gods judgment on His sinful people.
Are you just doing about another ordinary day today? God has plans for us every day---ask Him to give you an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life.     

Monday: Ezekiel 38:1-12
God tells Ezekiel to prophesy against the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. This is looking  ahead to a time when the city of Gog will start a battle against Israel. This passage prophesies that the attack will fail.                                                                              

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